Posted: Post subject: Taken Advantage of And Then Dumped |
I was in a relationship with a woman that I thought was for life ,she had an ex B F come around for a few months and I had to watch them as my heart was breaking, The guy was around all the time and said he was living in his pick up. He told me he loved her and I told her ,but she said she didnt want him she wanted me. On her birthday I was getting gas to pick her up and a couple asked me if I was the one living with Killers girlfriend wow huh. So I go to pick her up and we get home and sure enough he is there, We all go together and look at a house for rent she and him left me in the dust walking through the house,She wanted him to live with us two months before and I said no, its not right and you would be putting me in a bad situation. Anyway we got back home and parting ,I said to her 16yr old daughter that I was tired of him around and she got very mad at me cuz he was worming his way in im sure you know what I mean ,I call some one like that a wedge. He told me again he loved her so I got in his face about it in front of my Girlfriend and he punched me , Then she said she didnt want neither of us ,I walked out the door and slept in a park half the night then came back and slept on the couch he was gone. In the morning I talked to her and we where good, then Killer calls and she let him come back. A week later she said lets take a three weeks break so I went north 780 miles with a black eye and a week later she said dont come back and she moved him in now. I had to suck it up and go back to get my things last week and god it was so hard , I told her I loved her and she said she loved me too twice. I said I would leave her alone and now she is calling me once in a while but she dont want me back. I feel like such a fool cuz I paid and helped pay on bills and 3 new flat screens 3 new beds for her girls. Should I stay friends ? or tell her to take a hike? I think I can be a friend but not for very long until I get mad and say something. We have been through some tough times , she was in the hospital sev times and I never left her side day and night I stayed in the room with her. God I love her and I love her kids, should I sit back and wait ? Please help because I am so mixed up with hurt, love, anger,disappointment and lonely I cant and dont know what to do.
Kendra |